Indosolar Modules at a glance

Indosolar provides high-quality PV modules for residential, commercial and utility-scale installations. We ONLY utilize the highest-quality raw materials, sourced through global supply chains & manufactured in fully automated European Lines. Our modules are tested under harsh conditions to ensure best performance for 30 years. Our stringent quality standards exceeding Industry standards guarantee long durability of our products.

Our solar modules be it TOPCon or PERC have been proven to perform in diverse climates and environments across the globe due to our high quality solar cells, glass, EVA, backsheet, frame and junction box.

Modules - Product Features

Solar Module Features

PV Module Datasheets

Indosolar Multi-Crystalline / Mono-Crystalline Modules

Perc datasheet

(IS - PERC)​

IS - Datasheet Bi-55-520-550_00

Indo Solar Product

(IS - TOPCon)

IS-ELITE SERIES BiN-01-555-585 IS-EPD-555-585-108-BiN-HC-00

Solar Cell - Indosolar

(IS - TOPCon)

IS-ELITE SERIES BiN-02-615-650 IS-EPD-615-650-120-BiN-HC-00

n-Type Solar Modules

(IS - TOPCon)

IS-ELITE SERIES BiN-03-680-715 IS-EPD-680-715-132-BiN-HC-00

Indosolar Solar Cell

(IS - TOPCon)

IS-ELITE SERIES BiN-05-415-445-IS-EPD-415-445-108-BiN-HC-00

Elite Series Solar Cell

(IS - TOPCon)

IS-ELITE SERIES BiN-06-465-495 IS-EPD-465-495-120-BiN-HC-00

TopCon Solar Cells

(IS - TOPCon)

IS-ELITE SERIES BiN-07-515-545 IS-EPD-515-545-132-BiN-HC-00

Indo solar Panel

(IS - TOPCon)

IS-ELITE SERIES BiN-08-565-600-IS-EPD-565-600-144-BiN-HC-00

Topcon Elite Series

(IS - TOPCon)

IS-ELITE SERIES BiN-17-615-645 IS-EPD-615-645-156-BiN-HC-00