Super Solar Systems
We offer reliable, innovative and affordable super solar solutions to our customers. Our expertise in manufacturing and our unmatched project execution capabilities helps us deliver word class solutions with highest global standards. Our solutions include:-
1. Residential Rooftop Systems for Home consumers.
2. Solar Street Lightning solutions.
3. Engineering, Design and construction for Grid- Connected Commercial and Industrial solutions.
4. Turnkey Utility scale installation services.

- High efficiency long-life Indosolar modules built to last 35 years
- Top quality balance of components
- Ground mounted/Wall Mounted forced cooled power conditioning unit
- Operating temperature range form 0 to 45°and upto 95% relative humidity
- Sturdy galvanized iron structure designed to withstand wind load
India having the best geographical location in the world not only makes it rich in natural resources but also grants it to experiences 300 days of sunlight in an year. Government of India has set an ambitious target of installing 100GW of solar by 2022 under the mission of Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission. It is a major initiative by the Government of India and State Government to promote ecological sustainable growth, while addressing energy security.
“Indosolar Limited is more than an industrial venture, is a mission, a challenge and a commitment making India self-reliant in clean energy” quoted by Mr. B.K. Gupta, Chairman and founder of Indosolar Limited.
Indosolar being the largest solar manufacturer has revolutionised the Indian market by its state of the art manufacturing facility, established in 2008. We offer most advanced, durable and easy to install system solutions in the industry, ensuring all solar needs to be fulfilled. As a leading manufacture of solar energy products, we ensure sustainability plays a key role in all our business actives.
Solar is the solution for everything :
1. Saving on your electricity bills: The electricity rates have been escalating at a rate of 2.5% to 7% every year over the past two decades. This steady increase in the electricity tariff is volatile and unpredictable. Installing a Solar Rooftop system at your residence or office takes you out of this cycle.
2. Don't underestimate the Power of the Sun: Solar is capable of producing consistent and safe returns of 15% or more over a long period of time. Installing solar takes you out of share market, Real estate, Insurance policy gamble and gives you a consistent and guaranteed positive return.
3. Electricity contributes to a significant operating cost for businesses. It is increasing every year, and is generally increasing at a higher rate than inflation. Installing Solar protects your business from the hike in electricity tariffs and makes it possible to forecast the expenses accurately. As a result, it greatly improves the ability to manage monthly budget/expenses.
4. A bright and clean future: For every kilowatt of Solar Panels you install, your business avoids about 1 ton of carbon emission every year. Thats same as PLANTING 20 TREES EVERY YEAR
5. Selling your property? The property rates of homes with solar power installed are 3-4% higher than those without.In a state like California, a small 3.1kW system can add an average value of $18,324 to the property. “Solar doesn't increase your property taxes”
6. Save on tax? Accelerated depreciation is the depreciation of fixed assets at a fast rate in the assets initial years. This type of depreciation reduces the amount of taxable income early in the life of an asset, so that tax liabilities are deferred. In India, the commercial and industrial sectors enjoy 80% accelerated depreciation in the first year.
Government of India has set an ambitious goal of providing uninterrupted power for all homes, industrial and commercial establishments and adequate power for farmers by 2022. Government wants a growing share of the country’s electricity to come from renewable energy. It aims to achieve a “solar revolution” by installing 100GW of solar power by 2022, out of which 40GW is devoted for rooftop (1).
According to Deloitte and Confederation of India Industry (CII), India has not even harvested one percent of it solar potential which is 749GW according to National Institute of Solar Energy. Total solar power generation capacity touched 6.763GW as on 31st March 2016 (14).
Cumulative Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 86% is required to achieve the target of 40GW, from the rooftop capacity of 740MW as on 31st March 2016 according to “Bridge to India”. Government sees tremendous potential for generating decentralised and distribute dsolar power by utilising the rooftops of industrial, commercial, residential and public buildings (1).
Indian government is offering several tax and financial incentives (2) to support the rooftop solar market:
- Capital subsidy of 30% for residential and institutional consumers in general states
- 70% subsidy for special states which includes North Eastern states including Sikkim, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Uttarakhand, Lakshadweep, and Andaman and Nicobar Island.
- Accelerated depreciation of 80% in the first year for commercial and Industrial sectors
- Tax holiday for 10 years (Minimum alternate tax payable)
- Custom duty concessions and excise duty exemption
- Provision of bank loans as a part of home loan/ home improvement loan
- Rooftop budget 5000 crore for implementation of grid connected rooftop over a period of five years upto 2019-20 (12)
On grid versus Off-grid (3)
Comparing different types of rooftop system, when a solar system is connected to the utility power grid it is know as a grid-tied system. One can sell excess energy to the grid in this type of the system which is known as Net Metering. On the other hand, an off-grid system is when a solar system is installed at a house which does not have any access to the grid electricity. These systems offer complete autonomy and independence from the power grid.
Grid tied system, when compared to off-grid are cheaper as they don’t require batteries. Secondly, they are more flexible, as one doesn't necessarily have to install a solar system based on the total energy consumption. we can say grid-tied systems are primarily used to lower down the electricity bills, but not to eliminate the energy bill. A major disadvantage of a grid tied system is they don’t operate during grid power outage, so as to provide safety to the workers working on the fault. The average energy produced by a kilowatt system is 4.5kWh/ day, when multiplied to 330 days you get net energy produced of 1485 kWh/year.
Different business models (4)
Understanding different business models in the solar industry, Operational expenditure (OPEX) model is when system costs are born by a project developer, who further contracts the project to an EPC ( Engineering, Procurement & construction) service provider. Here the developer signs an agreement with the customer to purchase electricity, usually at a tariff lower than the central grid.
Capital expenditure (CAPEX) model is when the consumer purchases the entire system at an upfront cost, and then contractor contracts an authorised system supplier/ installer to install the system on their rooftop. The advantage of this model is that one owns the system, and therefore can generate its own electricity right from the day of commissioning.
Leasing of solar system is also available, where one doesn't purchase or own the system. It is instead leased from another company (actual owner of the system) for a month/ annual fee that is agreed upon in a signed agreement. The advantage of lease model over the CAPEX model is that it doesn't require you to make a significant upfront payment. Instead one pays a monthly fee for leasing the rooftop system.
Predominant challenges associated (5) with the rooftop sector in India is poor net metering policy framework and lack of more attractive debt financing solutions. Lack of availability and accessibility of complete solar packages in the market accounts as a challenge for the consumers.
Rooftop in India (NEWS)
- World Bank approved a loan of $625 million to facilitate rooftop solar power projects in India in early May and an additional funding worth $120 million available for industrial/ commercial sectors, to which the state does not offer any capital subsidies (6).
- The cabinet has promised to spend as much as INR 5000 crore in five years to build rooftop solar power projects and connect them to the utility power grid (7).
- The Delhi cabinet has approved solar policy which recommends the installation of a 1GW solar power capacity in the capital by 2020. The policy outline a combination of regulations, mandates, incentives, and tax breaks for the growth of rooftop solar power in the capital (8).
- Indian Catalytic Solar Finance Program (ICSFP) will pump in about US$ 40 million targeting India’s rooftop solar program under the National Solar Mission (9).
- The north Indian state of Punjab has inaugurated the world’s largest rooftop solar project of 11.5MW (10).
- India to launch ‘Solar Zones’ Policy coming out soon (11)
- India will become fourth largest solar market in 2016 (13)
- Rooftop19112015.pdf
- INDIA_India- Solar-Handbook-2016.pdf
1. Lay down the purpose for which the solar plant is desired
- Feeding into the grid – If the state solar policy permits, power generated from your rooftop can be fed into the grid and payment received based on a Feed-in-Tariff (FIT) or net-metering
- Diesel substitution – The plant will need to integrate with the diesel generator and the grid power supply to act as a backup for diesel generator and grid power.
- Off-grid solution – Used in areas where grid power is absent, this solution requires an off-grid inverter
- Night-time usage – As solar power is generated during the daytime, energy storage solutions will need to be considered as part of the plant rooftop
2. Understanding your roof space
- Roof size: You will need sufficient space to install a solar system that will be big enough to caterto your energy requirements. Typically, a 1 kWp system requires 100-130 sq.ft (or 10 sq.m) to be installed.
- Roof orientation: This refers to how your rooftop is placed relative to the sun’s movement across the sky. For a rooftop system to generate optimum output, roofs should be south facing, with the solar panels tilted at certain angles (that depends on the latitude of your location). The angle of tilt of a solar panel is an important parameter than governs its ability to receive adequate sunlight and produce electricity.
- Shading: Your solar panels will not work if they are in the shade
- Roof structure: Your roof should be structurally solid enough to support the solar PV panels not just for now, but for a couple of years!
3. Estimate the amount of energy required from the solar plant rooftop The amount of energy needed is determined based on the load that needs to be supported. The load represented by the equipment can be calculated as
Total energy requirement/day (Wh) = Wattage of appliance * No. of appliances * Hours of working
System size = (Energy Requirement * 1.3) / Solar generation per day
Number of panels = System size / Panel Rating
4. Calculation for Solar Inverter, and Balance of System (BoS)
These are devices that convert the direct current (DC) – that is generated by the solar panels – into alternating current (AC), which is used to power the majority of electrical appliances (except for the ones that run on batteries). The input rating of the inverter should never be lower than the total watt of appliances. The inverter must have the same nominal voltage as your battery.
For stand-alone systems, the inverter must be large enough to handle the total amount of Watts you will be using at one time. The inverter size should be 25-30% bigger than total Watts of appliances. In case of appliance type is motor or compressor then inverter size should be minimum 3 times the capacity of those appliances and must be added to the inverter capacity to handle surge current during starting.
For grid tie systems or grid connected systems, the input rating of the inverter should be same as PV array rating to allow for safe and efficient operation.
These are all the remaining components of a rooftop solar system (excluding the panels and the inverter). BOS typically includes:
a) Panel support Structures (e.g. aluminium racking)
b) Cables
c) Energy meters
d) Battery packs (energy storage systems): The battery type recommended for using in solar PV system is deep cycle battery. Deep cycle battery is specifically designed for to be discharged to low energy level and rapid recharged or cycle charged and discharged day after day for years. The battery should be large enough to store sufficient energy to operate the appliances at night and cloudy days.
Battery Capacity (Ah) = [Total Watt-hours per day used by appliances x Days of autonomy] / [(0.51 x nominal battery voltage)]
5. If sufficient solar energy is not available, you can design the system based on:
- Critical Loads
In this system the critical loads are identified and solar power with battery backup is used to ensure that the critical loads receive power even during a power cut.
- Light Loads
In this system the rooftop solar system is used to support non-critical loads such as lighting. A system requires the light points to be wired through a separate circuit that can be powered only through solar. The solar system can be coupled with batteries to provide lighting at night as well.
- Solar-diesel Hybrid
This system is favoured by consumers who consume a lot of diesel due to load shedding. Here the rooftop solar PV system works along with the diesel generator to support the load, and helps reduce diesel consumption.